Transform your life with sustainable habits
and one-on-one fitness coaching.

Does any of this sound familiar?

  1. You’ve been promising yourself you’d get it together for years but can’t seem to bring yourself to actually do what you know needs to be done.

  2. You worry about setting a poor example for your kids, fearing they might inherit your bad habits, or worse…your negative body image.

  3. Your health is catching up to you and you know you need to do something, but you’re not sure where to start.

I get it, and I got you.

Getting in-shape as a mom requires an entirely different approach than it did before kids…

  • You don’t have hours to devote to the gym


  • You don’t want your kids to see you doing detoxes and following restrictive diet plans

But counting macros and doing saved Instagram workouts whenever the motivation strikes isn’t working.

This is why I created Brain Before Body.

So you can get in shape without counting calories or spending hours in the gym.

You belong here. ♡

Hillary Joy, Fitness & Lifestyle Coach

Does any of this sounds familiar?


You’re already overwhelmed balancing life as an organizer, chauffeur, chef, maid and wife, finding time to meal-prep and workout seems impossible.


You’re running on fumes, and putting everyone else first. You know you need to change, but don’t know where or how to start.

An emotional Eater

You’ll do so good for a week or two, and then go completely off the wagon and you just wish you could eat like a normal person.

Brain Before Body™

Our 4 month one on one coaching program for Moms that are tired of feeling stuck in their body and are ready to get in-shape and feel alive and strong.

  • Made-for-you workouts that take 22 minutes, fitting seamlessly into your busy life

  • Collaborative food protocol, so you know exactly what to eat and when, on YOUR terms

  • Weekly motivation and encouragement to keep you excited and showing up for yourself day after day

3 Steps to Fit Mom Success

Step 1:
Book Your Free Fitness Assessment

Step 2:
Get Your Personalized
Fit Mom Formula

Step 3:
Tone up, lean out and Flex Your Fitness

5 Legit Reasons Moms Shouldn't Workout

You already know why you should.

But I'm gonna tell you why you shouldn't.

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